Resume is is your gateway pass to join any job at any company.
As a Fresher when any one looking for a job, it is very much essential to know about that company & the job Responsibility.
At a same case when a company looking for a good, suitable candidate who can suit not only perfect to their job, but too has a good capability & maintainability and most importantly the Behavior & other skill apart from his / her Academic Knowledge.
As a simple word :- The introduction & basic information of a candidate.
There are 3 basic methods to prepare your Introduction , so called :-Resume / CV / bio-data
This is the Basic Information Or so called Self introduction Page.
This can contain your personal information like-
* Name
* Date of Birth
* Age
* Gender
* Marital Status
* Present Address
* Permanent Address
* Basic Qualification
* Hobbies
* Skills etc.
Its just prepared to let other know about your basic Information & Skills.
Level of Higher secondary & School student can prepare it for their need .
Even for Some of Basic Govt. / Semi Govt job they can ask for Your Bio Data.
* Basic Qualification
* Hobbies
* Skills etc.
Its just prepared to let other know about your basic Information & Skills.
Level of Higher secondary & School student can prepare it for their need .
Even for Some of Basic Govt. / Semi Govt job they can ask for Your Bio Data.
2) Resume
The advance level of information containing page is called RESUME. Now a days Its being popular for appearing new job vacancies.
In this you can mention your Aim & Educational Qualification., your Achievements & that too your Basic Information .
the key point that to mention in a RESUME are :-
* AIM / Career Objective
* Educational Qualification
* Additional Qualification
* Co-Curricular Activities
* Extra Curricular Activities
* Area of Interest
* Work Experience (OPTIONAL)
* Achievements
* Personal Details
*Declaration section
For a Fresher Candidate without any Work Experience & new to job can prepare their RESUME
Most of the Company & Corporate are now looking for good Candidate from various college / university
Most of the Engineering JOB or so called IT- Sectors JOB after a UG degree now heading towards College for campus Recruitment.
Its very necessary to present your skills & knowledge as a written / Printed format on a page , by reading / Overlooking it they can choose or pick you for the next level of interview :
as al ma frnd better knw wt the market situation is :P
3)Curriculum Vitae
I cant say its the higher form of your Resume . But i guess it contain more specific information regarding your Skill & Experience than a normal resume have.
You can prepare a ur CV for Upgrading a Position in a company or planing to go for a better / Higher job than u own.
It s follows the Basic format of Resume & More specific information regarding your Work Experience & Job Responsibility, Project that you handled etc.
I prefer preparing a RESUME than a CV for ma Fresher friendz .
When ?
Now or Never.
Yes it s the right time to prepare your Resume. If you are preparing for your first job or as a fresher u want to join the race of Employment , then its The right time.
just GO for it!
Cool !!!
This Specific post is for all my friend who are preparing themselves for a job Interview.
You can find Basic Sample & format in the internet which Help you to prepare your own Resume.
or U can Follow the Key Point what i have mentioned above.
even my Respective Teacher forwarded me some basic sample or Template of Resume.
Hoping it can help u !
here itz !
Thanks for visiting ma blog.
keep touch.
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